Friday 13th at the Zilligen’s (updated with video)

OK, I don’t really buy that bad luck stuff but its catchy. Around 1:00am we heard a crash that woke Desi and I up. Running around the house we didn’t see anything until I went downstairs a saw a large branch had fallen onto the patio. Luckily, the power lines were spared but I was still trying to see how close the branch had come to the power lines to the house.

When I went to the basement and looked out the windows on the south side I saw the southern oak tree was snapped about 10 feet up the trunk. Going out the front door to the south side of our lot I had a clear view – the oak tree had toppled on to the roof spilling over to the patio. I could see the power lines to the house were sagging up the branches.

Note to Lindenhurst residents, we don’t have 311, so I called the police because the foot wide branches poised over the power lines. They sent a car with a couple officers and who saw the same thing I did – “That’s a good size tree” and “probably should stay away from those wires”. Then a fire truck pulled up and a fireman came out and said, “that’s a good size tree” and “I’d stay away from those wires if I were you.” Joking aside, everyone was actually pretty cool. The fire department said they would contact ComEd explaining ComEd tends to respond better to their calls then a regular residential call. According to the news we aren’t the only ones with problems and our power is still on. I don’t see how the tree can be removed without cutting the power but I’ll wait for the experts to arrive.

Here are some pictures now that its gotten light enough to see!

\On The RoofTree Against Morning SkyThe Crash

So ComEd came took the branches away off the power line (and they did it without turning off the power, those guys are good). But we were left with the rest of the tree on the roof. So we called Angry Beavers Tree Services (Josh & Phil’s new tree service company. Most of the tree wasn’t a big deal but the main part was very tricky. Check the video I put together on it:


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