All posts by wabaz

About wabaz

While you may rich, wise or beautiful there will always be someone richer, wiser or more beautiful. Be happy with yourself and have high standards.

Congressional Reform Act of 2011

From an email I received. Its not perfect but its a start. Thanks Ole!

The 26th amendment (granting the right to vote for 18 year-olds) took only 3 months & 8 days to be ratified! Why? Simple! The people demanded it. That was in 1971…before computers, before e-mail,
before cell phones, etc.

Of the 27 amendments to the Constitution, seven (7) took 1 year or less to become the law of the land…all because of public pressure.

In three days, most people in The United States of America will have the message. This is one idea that really should be passed around.

Congressional Reform Act of 2011

1. Term Limits.

12 years only, one of the possible options below..

A. Two Six-year Senate terms

B. Six Two-year House terms

C. One Six-year Senate term and three Two-Year House terms

2. No Tenure / No Pension.

A Congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they are out of office.

3. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security.

All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American

4. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.

5. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

6. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

7. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.

8. All contracts with past and present Congressmen are void effective 1/1/11.

The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen. Congressmen made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers
envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home and back to work.

Devil of Detroit Street

Have you heard this one? A family feud leads to a mother cyber-bullying the family of dying 7 year old girl. Worse then that, her and her husband taunt the child by driving around with a coffin in their truck, honking the horn and telling the kid “I can’t wait until you die.” This happened in Trenton, MI a suburb of Detroit and you can read the article here. And I haven’t mentioned the worst stuff.

The article was released last week and Jennifer Petkov, The Devil of Detroit Street, has already apologized for what she has done. What is impressive is, again, the cyber-response against this woman and her family. Facebook pages have gone up and come down already. Death threats, job threat and school threats to this woman’s family members. ‘They’ have organized a rally for the dying child and her family on October 23rd.

What strikes me is the indecency of what this woman has done. So if the internet not existed, would she have apologized? Had other news agencies not picked up this story would the world even know about this? Had I not selected ‘ABC News’ for my igoogle portal, would I even be aware of this story? And if you hadn’t gone to my webpage, would you be aware of this story? But should this story even exist?

This story hits me personally due to my own story. When my parents died in February of 1975, we were out of school for that week. The following Monday my brothers and sisters and I went back to school. The sixth graders lined up outside on the concrete stairway to a main entrance to the school on that freezing February morning. Patches of ice had formed in the alcove and boys, being boys, began sliding on these patches of ice. Sliding turned into pushing. And, inevitably, someone got hurt. I had pushed a boy who slipped, fell and hit his head on the iron railing. He was obviously in a lot of pain, and he struck back – verbally – “Too bad what happened to your old lady.”

You could hear the hush of the other kids. I could hear the frozen words echo, “to your old lady”  in my head. The doors opened and the sixth graders filed inside. The boy I pushed didn’t cry but we could see he was trying not to. I didn’t cry, but I had fight not to. Over thirty years now, those frozen words still echo, and I still fight against crying.

Eight words and thirty year seems like a long time to hold on to something. How long do you hang on to seeing your dying daughter’s face over cross bones or your dead wife’s face hugging the Grim Reaper last?

A sixth grade boy hurt by another sixth boy’s poor judgement can lash out with evil spiteful words but its a reaction to pain – and he’s only 13 years old. A mother Photoshops a dead wife/mother’s face with the Grim Reaper and posts it on Facebook? This neighbor taunts a dying 7 year old girl – “I can’t wait until you die.”

The Devil’s husband Scott says his wife’s “brutal honesty” has caused his family to “not get along with a lot of people.” “Brutal honesty”? Is there some truth that this woman is speaking that this dying child needs to hear? Is there some lesson this family needs to be taught? Isn’t the death in a family reason enough to back off of your feud? Doesn’t watching a second death unfold in the same family cause you to pause? to reflect on what’s really going on? You can only wonder how people justify their bad behavior to themselves.

The internet has gotten hold of her story and backlash, as you can imagine, has been harsh, immediate and quick. They have give the spending spree at a toy store. They are organized a rally for her.

And the Devil? She’s been arrested for trying run a neighbor over with her car, and has two of her own kids taken away.  You can call that Karma, Justice or God’s Will. But Kathleen Edward will never forget the words and the actions of that devil – even if she could live until she was 50, or even a 100, trust me.

The “I.D. Ten T.” Error

” I.D. Ten T.” This is one of my favorite tech jokes. The premise is that two helpdesk people conversing on the phone, one is remote, the other is with the end user.

“Yep, it’s an I.D. Ten T. error” the tech with the end user will tell the second. Written out, the error code becomes – “I D 10 T” (or if you still don’t see it – ‘IDIOT’).

You all know a tech support person. They may not work as a tech support person, but in your life, they are the person you call when your computer (assuming a PC here) isn’t doing what it should – or at least what you think it should be doing. I play that role with many people I know. There are many evenings spent discussing computers problems or stops after work, or on the weekends to look at, install, uninstall, tweak, backup, restore, repair, reply, burn, download, delete, diagnose, quarantine and, sometimes, confirm a piece of hardware will be moving on to the next electronic recycling program…

“End Users”, the people using the software, are constantly ridiculed within the tech industry. Working in the tech industry, I am amazed on the lack of understanding of Windows by both technical and non-technical people.

So – to avoid an “I-D-10-T” Error, here are my suggestions:

  1. Don’t say NOTHING works unless its true. “Nothing works” means you have a power issue – first step is make sure things are plugged in. If you can’t get into windows then something must work for you to know that.
  2. Errors are important, tell your techsupport person if you have received one. Machines aren’t great communicators but when they do its usually pretty important so its important to let them know there is an error BUT…
  3. Don’t read the entire error message – unless asked to do so, a brief summary is usually sufficient. But some people insist on reading all 15 lines of the error message (Exception: this did mess me up with Phil when he found some spyware  on mom’s computer and the installed malware was a print driver that was called “Absolutely Bogus Printer Driver“)
  4. If you think you may have clicked on something you shouldn’t have, admit it. We don’t care if you were at a porn site – we’ve all been to one or two of those sites – it could save us both hours of wasted time.
  5. Advice: DON’T click on anything you’re not sure who it’s from. Really! All the techies say it and that’s because its true. IF you click on something you shouldn’t and you’re faced with a decision (“Would you like to install?”) DO NOT click on a button – ANY button. Instead, use the red ‘X’ in the upper right corner. Despite what the buttons are labeled, both buttons mean ‘Yes, install your malware and mess up my computer’.
  6. BitTorrents (Peer-to-Peer, or P2P) are easy ways to get free stuff (mp3’s, movies, etc.) but they are not to be trusted. I know Limewire is a favorite among kids for music but be sure your spyware and virus are current and up to date. It’s like paying for your drinks with raw steak in a tiger’s cage. And you wonder why the kid gets mauled? A kid once told me that Limewire does not affect laptops. “Now I know why tigers eat their young!”
  7. Spyware and Viruses are two different things. ‘Current’ and ‘updated’ are two different things. You could, and should, have two different spyware protection programs. I recommend Spybot and Ad-Aware as free programs. Keep them ‘current’ – meaning you have the latest versions of the program. Also, keep them up to date – meaning they have the latest listing of malware programs to protect you from.
  8. For virus protection programs, most (and I think all) ISP’s (Internet Service Providers) provide free virus protection programs. No one wants you to get a virus. In fact, it means more work for all of us. We have Comcast for our ISP. They currently offer a free version of Norton. AT&T/Yahoo offer a free version of McAfee. You will need to log into your accounts to get them. If you need a different program, I recommend Avast! (fyi – do not use the CNET download button, its an ad!). Same rules – keep your program current – meaning the latest version of the software and keep your program up to date – meaning the latest version of virus definition patterns. First thing I will do you make your stuff is current and up to date.
  9. Backup your data! Yea, more stupid advice that no one listens to but believe me it will happen to you. I once lost a new data drive 6 months after I bought it. My brother lost his external drive when it fell off his desk. I use Syncback. However, this program is not free – its $30 and you can put it on up to 5 pc’s (that’s $6 a PC). Do it and someday you may thank me.
  10. Finally, if I do work on your computer, don’t call me up and complain about my work. I don’t charge for working on computers (though I have taken beer for work I’ve done). It worked when I left. If you do pay for support, keep in mind they will make sure it works. Sometimes that shortest distance is a complete reinstall (see #9). And if I leave a note in your startup folder that pops up every time you start your computer – that just means I like you.

Welcome to the Kaiser Keller (Ode to Ralf)

Kaiser Keller

“Welcome to the Kaiser Keller and Happy Friday Night. For the next two hours you will be entertained by the talented, knowledgeable, witty and hilarious Mr. Ralf Hansen. With music supplied by John Zilligen, we cover our regular topics – ‘ What’s Going On At Work’, ‘How’s Minna and Ole?’, ‘How to Fix Your Wife, ” or “I Love My Wife,” our political and cultural segment “Now What’s Wrong” and Ralf’s commentary on John’s activities in “If I Had Your Life.” And what show would be complete without a complete review the latest movies and music. At this time, I’d like to turn the evening events to our special host John Zilligen”

“Thank you, Thank you but I’m afraid I have a sad announcement tonight. I have the regrettable task of informing you that our beloved host, Ralf Hansen, has passed away [shocked audience]. Early Sunday morning November 22 Ralf’s wife Christina took Ralf to the emergency room at North West Community Hospital with pneumonia and he was put on oxygen. When his oxygen levels did not improve he was put on a ventilator. Monday morning Ralf was diagnosed with Legionnaires Disease. Unfortunately due to contributing factors, Ralf situation worsen. When he failed to regain conscious by Friday morning November 27, the family removed him from life support. He died peacefully at 3:45 that afternoon.

“I know this is a terrible shock to all of you and their wasn’t a dry eye here at the Kaiser Keller when we first heard the news. As far as the show, well, I can’t say for sure that the show has been canceled but it really won’t be the same with a different host.

“Due to these circumstances, we’re obviously going to change things up a little this Friday night. I will quickly run through our regular topics and because Ralf is not here, we will not be doing our movie and music reviews. Besides, I tend to like most of the movies and, as I always say on music, “If you don’t something,” [audience finishes – “you’re not listening to it the right way”][laugh track]. And what’s a review without Ralf’s spit and sizzle. Instead we’ll review the Kaiser Keller wall as we going down memory lane.

“So grab a beer and let’s get started. As we typically do, we start with ‘What’s Going On At Work’ and as has sometimes happens, and due to Ralf’s illness, there’s not much to report this week. But I’m sure the Grainger International crew took more then their allotment of ‘Air Breaks’, avoided work as much as possible and took turns napping at their desk [ba da bum] [laugh track].

“So we move on to ‘How’s Minna and Ole,’ and as you can expect, they are devastated on passing of their only son Ralf. Its been terrible making calls to family and friends all over the world about the passing of our host. And I hope you join me in sending them your prayers and condolences. And all I can add is – Minna and Ole, is you know Ralf loved both very much but I know you know that from the two or three daily calls you would get from him. My prayers to both of you.

“Next is ‘How to Fix Your Wife,’ or, and of course this week, it is a ‘I Love My Wife’ segment. Christina, you more then anyone know how much Ralf adored you and he appreciated everything you did for him. He loved you and honored you and held you on a pedestal you did not want to be on. And while it sometimes took a hydraulic lift to get him off the couch to do something [ba da bum] [laugh track], when he did get around to doing something he did a great job. Our prayers and condolences to you as well.

“We’re going to skip over our political and culture perspective – ‘What’s Wrong Now’ and briefly touch on ‘If I Had Your Life.’ Unfortunately I missed joining Josh and Phil as Angry Beaver Tree Service participated in Berlin’s ‘Annual Lighted Holiday Parade.’ Noah will soon be starting Iceless Hockey which yours truly will be coaching right after Noami’s Iceless Hockey season is done. And Nate, and family, will be participating with Bethel Lutheran Church’s Radio production of ‘It’s A Wonderful.’ OK, you know what do at this point – and let’s do it with extra enthusiasm for Ralf – ‘If I had your life…’ [the audience response with “I’d get a gun and shoot myself”] [laugh track] Well, I tried but I just can’t deliver that line like Ralf could.

“As I said at the beginning of the show, we will not be doing our normal movie and music reviews. Instead, we’re going to look on the old wall and relive some of the great moments in Kaiser Keller history. For those of you that don’t know, the Kaiser Keller was a special yet simple place in Ralf’s basement where this show was conducted. So, with the use of beer, cigarettes and a lot of imagination, Ralf would entertain his guests. And, if you made it into Ralf’s heart, whether through love, special timing or special events, you got to sign the Kaiser Keller wall.

“Let’s see, I think I see in the upper left side, I believe, one of the first signatures – is Mike Holgado, Ralf’s old friend from Philly back in the old college days at Eastern College. Mike and Ralf talked weekly and kicked off the Kaiser Keller signatures back in 2003.

“Of course, who could forget Micheal ‘The Stuntman” Madsen! All the way from Denmark, Stunt first signed the wall in 2004 and later that year followed his visit up with the infamous ‘Surprise Visit’. In looking at the wall now, I’m surprised the Vegas Trip with Ralf, Stunt and I never made it onto the wall. Not known for his shyness, Stunt was the frequent flier guest of the Kaiser Keller.

“Let’s see, what else do we have? Ah, the Stones 78 concert when I gave Ralf a copy of the Rolling Stones 78 concert that he thought was the best bootleg he had ever heard and honored me with a Kaiser Keller signing. Yep, there’s our Cleveland Road Trip to Minna and Ole’s in 2007 in lower middle to the right.

“Yep, and Peter Podjaski, Christina’s father made the wall when her family came out last year. Right in the middle we have Allan Chrisiensen from 2005. Sorry Allan, that was one of the shows I couldn’t make because I was very sick [play “Embarrassing For You” track] [laugh track].

“There’s Ralf and Christina’s Mai trip in 2003. Oh yea, the party night watching ‘Hot Fuss‘ by our favorite buddies Simon Peg and Nick Frost a couple of years ago.

“And then there’s old Oliver – Ralf’s beloved cat of 15 years. He sure loved him and missed him. And we have Asad from 2007. And Ralf even got Christina to sign the wall last year.

“Wow, so many Friday Nights we had. So many discussions. Some sad, many deep, many serious and most filled with laughter. I would be remiss in not including some honorary members. Like Yvonne Christian, his friend before me back in 1985. He loved her as a sister and told her so when he ended their many many many phone calls. And during her many many moves between her many many apartments. I think her omission from the Kaiser Keller was her inability to finish an entire beer [laugh track]. Another omission from someone that’s always finished his beer, Yvonne’s husband Tony Christian. Who also helped in many of Yvonne’s moves and, to quote our host, “a great guy and the best thing that’s ever happened to Yvonne (and she better not forget it!).’ And finally, my wife and Kaiser Keller omissionaire Desi. Who knew Ralf as long as I did, who found his friend Oliver for him and let me play co-host on Kaiser Keller – and would occasionally grant Ralf that one more beer with me.

“Well, that’s our show for tonight. And believe me, I don’t want the show to end but you can’t have a talk show without a host. And Ralf wasn’t just any host, he was a man you could pass over and never get to know because that’s what he would want. Or, he could be someone you could never forget. Through his wit and knowledge he could center a room. With his kindness he remembered the forgotten and reached out to those that others ignored. He loved life though not always his own. He was a friend that you could measure friendship by. And he was a better friend to me then I was to him. So long Ralf – love you man, and good night to all.”

To My Friend Ralf

Yes, I understand that every life must end, uh-huh
As we sit alone, I know someday we must go, uh-huh
Oh I’m a lucky man, to count on both hands the ones I love
Some folks just have one, yeah, others, they’ve got none

Stay with me…
Let’s just breathe…

Practiced all my sins, never gonna let me win, uh-huh
Under everything, just another human being, uh-huh
I don’t wanna hurt, there’s so much in this world to make me bleed

Stay with me
you’re all I see…

Did I say that I need you?
Did I say that I want you?
Oh, if I didn’t I’m a fool you see
No one knows this more than me
As I come clean…

I wonder everyday, as I look upon your face, uh-huh
Everything you gave And nothing you would save, oh no
Nothing you would take Everything you gave…

Did I say that I need you?
Oh, did I say that I want you?
Oh, if I didn’t I’m a fool you see
No one knows this more than me
And I come clean, ah…

Nothing you would take
Everything you gave
Hold me ’til I die
Meet you on the other side…

Hottest Songs for the Summer of 2009

As the kids go back to school its time to review what we’ve been listening to the past few months.

Let’s start with the slow burn on 3Oh!3‘s ‘Don’t Trust Me’. This song took 6 months to catch on. This song betrays 3Oh!3‘s album ‘Want‘ electronica hip hop base. But it makes for a great single. While its slow burn didn’t let it last through the summer, other tracks like ‘Starrstukk’ and ‘Colorado Sunrise’ offer a chance to recapture that summer heat.

Still coming up is Flo Rida‘s ‘Jump’ featuring Nelly Furtado. From Flo Rida‘s ‘R.O.O.T.S (Route Of Overcoming The Struggle)‘, which has already spawned the ‘Sugar‘, ‘Shone‘ and ‘Right Round‘, this to help leverage Nelly Furtado’s spanish album ‘Mi Plan.’ ‘Jump‘ is probably the best song on Flo Rida’s album and sure to bring the kids to the floor this fall.

Pitbull’s follow-up hit ‘Hotel Room Service‘ comes in six month’s after his ‘Krazy.’ With samples from ‘Krazy‘ and other hits (not necessarily their own), ‘Hotel Room Service‘ is making it worth staying inside and enjoy the heat from the floor.

Lady Gaga provided smoke last summer with ‘Just Dance‘ as the lead off single for her first album “The Fame.” The winner streak continue with Lady Gaga‘s monotoned delivery of “Mum mum mum mah, P-p-p-poker face” on ‘Pokerface‘ with its sizzling rhythm. Even as ‘Pokerface‘ powered up the chart, ‘LoveGame‘ was waiting to bubble onto the dance floor like hot lava.

Officially released July 7th, it didn’t take long for Sean Kingston‘s ‘Fire Burning‘ to become the most downloaded song of the summer from his yet to be released album “Tomorrow.” No matter who calls 911, “that little shawty’s fire burning on the dance floor,” and Sean Kingston has no intentions on putting out that fire.

My personal favorite Summer Hottie is Black Eyed Peas‘ ‘I Gotta Feeling.’ I’ve been a fan since 2003’s “Elephunk” and was looking forward to “The E.N.D. (Energy Never Dies)” but was a bit disappointed with ‘Boom Boom Boom.’ ‘I Gotta Feeling‘ is classic will. i. am rock soul pop hit. Being used to promote NBC’s fall lineup of shows, it doesn’t detract from this iconic pop morsel.

Father’s Day

Happy Father’s day to all you dad’s. If you have not heard about Asher Roth, he’s an Eminem sound alike that can stand on his own. Check out Asher’s tribute to his father.

I apologize for the rap up front but if you can’t get past then you need to get over it.

(patience, the songs starts in 10 seconds)

A Blessed Life

While we face this historic economic change and jobs, literally by the millions, are leaving, I think its important to remember the positive. I admit I have been intrigued, concerned and fearful of our country’s situation and how it will affect me.

But this morning, in what is becoming a Saturday morning tradition, I got up at 6:30 and come downstairs while Desi sleeps. I have trouble staying up past midnight or 1:00 and she has become a professional night owl with her new night shift at the hospital. On these mornings I make coffee and catch up on a week’s worth of Jon Stewart’s Daily Show.

On my way for a second cup, I hear the laughter of my kids from downstairs. I hear Naomi’s chortle and hear her over appreciation on being included with the boys; Noah’s distinctive ‘ha-ha-ha’ which has changed this week with his new dental device to prepare him for braces and Nate’s lower and maturing hearty chuckle.

I look to the living room and see our the furniture has been switched back to the ‘non-Christmas’ arrangement, back to normal,  back to reality. And with it fear of what the future could hold, apprehension on the work that must be done and weariness that the road will be long.

I hear a scream – followed by laughter. “Hey!” I loudly whisper down the stairwell, “Mom’s still sleeping”

“Sorry” I hear back.

And I smile. THIS is good life. I know with this family I have no painful past, I feel their hopes and trust on me and while I fear for the future and I can feel their strength. This family – MY family – will not fail, no matter what the outcome is. When you are surrounded by love you grow cocky.

I hear their laughter grow louder. I go downstairs – to wake Mom up.

Hardrock, Coco and Joe

It’s hard to get the kids to understand how we watched TV. During the holidays we would rush home in time to watch Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer. For an hour we were hypnotized by the stop-go animation of Rankin and Bass. After it was over we would be shooed off to bed and spend the next few weeks discussing what we saw with our friends, not to be repeated until the next year.

Another sign of Christmas were the short holiday cartoons on our local Garfield Goose show. There were three magical cartoons – Frosty The Snowman, Suzi Snowflake and The Three Little Dwarfs or more commonly known as ‘Hardrock, Coco and Joe’; of which we would sing endless at recess to our teachers’ chagrin.

So, if you are old enough, feel free to see along – “Ol-die old lady o lady eye oh….”
