
Have the Angry Beavers worked for you? Have a few kinds words you’d like to share? Please add your comments but be patient – we need to review all comments in the Beaver’s Lodge so comeback once they are approved!

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One Response to “Testimonials”

  1. Mike Wuest Says:

    I had Josh and Phil take two major trees down in my back yard (40 foot Blue Spruce and a 50 foot Ash) May 1-2, 2010. They also cut down three white ceders and removed all the stumps. They also prunned two Maples in my front yard and performed all clean up work. Rating their professionalism and all around performance, they get a five star rating from me and they saved me money! To top that, they had to stop work the first day because of high winds and performed all in 1-1/2 days! Very curteous and provided proof of insurance. Nice people to do business with!

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